Approach to Respecting Human Rights
Human Rights Due Diligence
Recruit Group has historically operated its business while taking human rights into consideration. We recognize that the scope of human rights to be considered by companies has been widening in recent years, and implement human rights due diligence to promote respect for human rights in our business operations.
Specifically, in cooperation with the Internal Control department, as part of of our risk management measures, we identify and assess potential human rights risks which may exist in our business activities, considering possible countermeasures against them for companies within Recruit Group including those acquired by means of M&A and the existing business domains.
We also believe that a third-party's point of view is critical for identifying and resolving potential risks in business activities. Through annual engagement with our stakeholders, including NGOs and human rights experts, we are committed to identifying business-specific human rights issues and seeking opinions on what roles we should take.
Specifically, we consider and implement measures to prevent and mitigate human rights violations that are likely to occur, depending on the business characteristics of each SBU.
HR Technology SBU discussed issues concerning "technology and unconscious bias," and devised various measures to help mitigate against this. This is an ongoing effort requiring continuous action.
Matching & Solutions SBU assesses the human rights impact of its value chain, including supply chain, where areas are identified in which the likelihood and severity of human rights risks are high. Preventative measures and mitigating actions are discussed and implemented.
Staffing SBU assesses human rights issues related to its own employees and temporary staff.
Human Rights Education and Training
We run training focusing on human rights relating to products and services of Recruit Group as a part of compliance education.
Training programs are provided according to the business characteristics of each SBU. For example, we provide training to avoid discriminatory expressions in our advertisement businesses, sales activities, customer support, and product development.
For information on our compliance education including that to prevent harassment, please refer to "Employee Training on Ethical Standards" in the ESG Data Book.
Human Rights Help Desk
Our whistleblower system, which is available to all employees, including contract employees, temporary staff and residing partners, allows for the submission of reports and provides consultations on human rights.
For more details on our whistleblower system, please refer to "Whistleblower and Protection" in the ESG Data Book.
Our approach to human rights issues
Through annual engagement with our stakeholders, we are committed to identifying business-specific human rights issues and seeking opinions on what roles we should take.
In the past, we identified and discussed issues concerning "technology and unconscious bias" and "temporary workers' human rights" and devised various measures. This is an ongoing effort, and we keep on taking various actions.