Our Efforts toward Realizing Gender Parity
The status and challenges to realize gender parity vary by each Strategic Business Unit (SBU). Each SBU is planning and implementing measures in line with their respective environment and challenges.
HR Technology SBU
By 2030, Indeed, a part of HR Technology SBU has set to increase the ratio of underrepresented genders (URG)*2 to 50% at all levels of Indeed’s global workforce — from individual contributors and middle management to senior leadership and the board.
Improving Gender Equity through Wider Adoption of the Inclusive Interview Rule
Gender equity is well-established in promotions and career advancement at Indeed; hence, the focal point for achieving gender parity is part of the recruitment process. To tackle this, Indeed introduced the Inclusive Interview Rule (IIR) in the U.S. in 2021. This protocol activates the selection process once we've achieved diversity among candidates during the hiring process. IIR surpassed our expectations during the pilot, resulting in over half of job offer acceptors being women and individuals from URGs; this positive shift also reduced hiring time, contrary to our initial assumptions.
In 2023, Indeed extended the application of IIR globally to all roles posted internally and externally. In doing so, Indeed launched required IIR training for all employees as well as introduced an IIR ambassador program in the Talent Acquisition team to ensure IIR is effectively utilized. Chris Hyams, the Indeed CEO, also sent a video message asking applicants’ cooperation to a voluntary self-identification questionnaire (VSIQ)*3 to expand the application of the IIR.
Read the “Indeed Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (DEIB+) Report”
Matching & Solutions SBU
Recruit, a major subsidiary of Matching & Solutions SBU, is committed to achieving both job satisfaction, which leads to career and evolution for all employees, and a flexible work environment suiting individual needs.
In terms of providing a flexible work environment, Recruit has been advancing initiatives since 2006 to provide an environment and opportunities where employees can fully demonstrate their abilities. As a result, there is virtually no gender disparity in both years of continuous employment and the ratio of employees working while raising children. The representation of women managers also exceeded 30% in 2023.
In addition, Recruit also believes that enhancing job satisfaction is a key factor in achieving gender parity. Especially in Japan, where Matching & Solutions SBU mainly operates, gender-based role division is deeply rooted, and unconscious gender bias remains stronger than in other countries. Recruit is working to further increase the ratio of women managers by visualizing and implementing measures to reduce this bias in the workplace.
Removing Bias by Clarifying Management Position Requirements
In alignment with the Group's gender parity goals established in 2021, Recruit conducted an analysis of gender differences in employees' career paths, including "hiring," "appointment," and "resignation," a process that led to the identification of challenges in the "appointment" phase.
The SBU clearly defined the managerial position requirements free from biases related to must-have skills or necessary work styles. Following the implementation of these requirements in several organizations within Recruit, not only did the number of women candidates increase, but the number of men candidates also rose, indicating a move towards diverse leadership irrespective of gender.
Read more about the initiative
Removing Bias by Training Programs both for Individuals and Management
Career Cafe
In order to promote gender equity, it is also essential to openly address existing biases among women themselves and among managers.
The "Career Cafe 28" program was launched in FY2012 for women employees around the age of 28 to learn to identify their strengths and build their future careers. Approximately 1,500 women (including those from Recruit Group companies in Japan, cumulative total from FY2012 to FY2022) have participated in the program voluntarily, and it has served as an opportunity for women to think positively about career development. In FY2022, Recruit also launched "Career Cafe Next Step" for women employees in their 30s to support them in exercising career ownership.
At the "Career Cafe for BOSS," launched in FY2015, participants learn from external instructors about the significance of promoting gender equality and diverse human resource management, as well as management practices that can be implemented on-site to accelerate the growth of women employees who are susceptible to life events. From participants, we received comments such as “I immediately put into practice what I learned about communication that draws out the abilities of women. I want all managers to take this course because I learned what is important in management.”
Human resource development program incorporating coaching methods
Recruit formalized the human resource management methods it has long been practicing to enhance talent management skills, particularly for managerial staff, and foster diverse leadership. Department heads and HR personnel act as coaches, promoting a management approach that values individual differences. The ultimate goal is to empower all managers to manage a more diverse workforce, including women, effectively.
Learn more about this program (Japanese only)
Learn more about Matching & Solutions SBU’s DEI Initiatives (Japanese only)
Staffing SBU
Staffing SBU has already achieved a 50% ratio of women among all employees and in managerial positions. The only remaining challenge towards gender parity is in senior executives. To achieve this goal, the SBU has been implementing various leadership development programs across its operating companies.
CEO Challenge
CEO Challenge is an internal leadership development program for senior key talent, including women, to learn how to address a business problem and provide a solution by approaching real social or business cases. Each team entering the challenge is asked to address the following criteria during its business proposals: close the opportunity gap, inspire new ways of working, and celebrate DEI. Through the process, coaching, strategic workshops and mentoring opportunities are provided to help them bring their ideas to life.
Since the start of the program in 2020, nine teams entered the Challenge and five projects have continued as real business programs.
Succession Planning
Staffing SBU aims to further strengthen succession planning for its senior executives — the CEOs of major subsidiaries and SBU executives — and to increase women’s representation in their candidate pool. According to the annual monitoring, the SBU has seen a steady increase in the number of women identified as potential future successors across the majority of its businesses. The SBU also supports leaders with 360 feedback assessments, and by providing opportunities for mentoring and coaching alongside specific development programs when required.
Mentor Me
Mentor Me is a global mentorship program started in 2023 to develop women leaders and digital talent capability. Participants who aspire to become leaders are linked to colleagues in the senior leadership level of Staffing SBU to benefit from their experiences and gain new perspectives on their own career development. Since the start in February 2023, the program has already gained 80 participants from the worldwide operating companies of Staffing SBU.
- On this webpage, the number of years stated are reflective of the number of Recruit Holdings fiscal years, which begin on April 1 each year and end March 31 of the following year. All figures displayed here are approximate.
- URG stands for Under Represented Gender. It refers to minority groups that make up a small percentage of the general population in terms of gender (self-identified sex, sexual orientation, and gender expression) or are placed at a relative disadvantage compared to social groups in a dominant position.
- For the global expansion of IIR, in the countries where it is legally permitted to ask applicants for demographic data, Indeed sends a voluntary self identification questionnaire (VSIQ) to applicants.